Yuzuhara Konomi – 1/8 (Kotobukiya) Photoshoot

It’s been a while since I posted something like this. I haven’t been doing my photography for my otaku goodies in nearly 3 months. So, I decided to brush up my photo shot skills again. I have got to admit, I have been become a bit sloppy, and I have to get back to practicing improving my photo skills for the next upcoming goodies in the future. Hopefully soon, I can get a better camera and take photos that are out of this world. For now, for using something that’s of low quality, I’d say it’s not all bad.

Anyway, in this topic, here I have, my favorite anime figure of my collection, and that’s none other than Konomi Yuzuhara from To Heart 2. As of 2024 since starting with my anime figure collection, this one from Kotobukiya released in 2005 is my current number 1 favorite, but why you ask?

While her texture, design, and material is basically outdated compared to my other figures, seeing as this figure of mines is the oldest of my collection, that’s one of the reasons why it’s my top favorite (for now). This figure is from the mid 2000s (2005), and as you know, I love my 2000s anime since it is my favorite decade of anime. So I will admit that nostalgia factor does play a little role. Her prepainted color is a pleasure to look at as anime figures during that time were just progressing with minor detail, and for her time, mostly, she looked better than other anime figures during that time. I’d say that she still looks relevant and amazing for today’s modern standards. I also enjoy the face, clothing, detail of the figure, and the pose she’s in. One more reason is because Konomi Yuzuhara is a favorite of mines from both the visual novel, and the anime.

I sincerely hope to make a Konomi Yuzuhara figure collection very soon, and talk more about this series when I have time. I hope you enjoy my photoshoot of her!

Legendary Anime Studio Gainax Files For Bankruptcy

On the 40th anniversary of studio Gainax’s foundation, the studio behind the making of many epics and well known legendary anime, such as Gunbuster, Neon Genesis Evangelion, FLCL, and Gurren Lagaan, have filed for bankruptcy in Japan. They have been acknowledged by the Tokyo District Court. Surely cementing the end of their existence as an anime studio. Another legend from the anime industry disappears into history, and will now only live as a memory for many otakus of the anime industry, as Gainax dies as a hero for the anime industry.

Or, well, that’s what we think, but the truth is, Gainax has been in decline for more than a decade, and only now has all of their decline caught up with them. The truth is, studio Gainax has been in a mess for years. Ranging from scandals, financial failures, work politics, debt, famous figures leaving and giving harsh criticisms to the studio, and plenty of more. Gainax’s problems goes beyond the rabbit hole, and their slow death will be missed by many, but not all the famous figures from the studio will miss them. In fact, the mess of what Gainax has caused, and what they have been through, is the ultimate reason why former masterminds of the studio, such as Hideaki Anno, left to create Studio Khara and create the Evangelion rebuild movies. While other creative minds of Studio Gainax, left to establish the now famous studio Trigger. The studio famous for making hit anime shows, like Kill La Kill, Space Patrol Luluco, and Little Witch Academia. Also, the studio still continues to make new anime as of today.

Moreover, here is a painful fact. Gainax hasn’t produced an anime since Masamune Datenicle which was produced back in 2016. Also, it was only an ONA. The last time they produced a TV Show directly on their own as a studio was Wish Upon the Pleiades, and that was for spring lineup of 2015… Yes… That long ago… By reading this, I am sure you have come to the conclusion that Gainax was indeed DEAD a long time ago. The question is, how did they finally make it to their demise?

Studio Gainax’s downfall began in the year 2012, when their financial situation worsened due to a plethora of huge financial mistakes made by the company. The company’s success, converted to mistakes, and began to go foolishly big by gambling on managing a restaurant that did not meet the projections. However, that’s not all. The company also established a mismanaged CG which resulted in giving large unsecure loans to executives. Another huge failure was Gainax running the business as if it were a small personal venture. Business practices like these, especially in a highly competitive corporate business world like Japan, is a literal death sentence.

If you think that’s bad, then wait till you hear this. During the years, Gainax would become saddled with insane, massive debt that ultimately held the company back and found itself removed from production committees after not paying royalties. Because of that, the studio found itself sued by a myriad of companies, which ultimately worsened their financial situation for the now defunct anime studio. Another huge mistake Gainax made was establishing too many studios with the Gainax name in many regional areas, which ultimately resulted in failure, as the company had basically unplanned them for the future. This terrible mistake made by Gainax led to many resignations and putting a full stop to anime productions, as the company itself did not maintain the capacity to produce anime. Later on, These exact companies later declared that they were not related to the main Gainax studio. According to the statement by Gainax, the studio claimed that these companies “relinquished their administrative responsibilities.”

Tomohiro Maki, the former repressive and head of Gainax since 1992, transferred shares to an individual with no knowledge of film production whatsoever in 2018. Shockingly, the move had the approval of the management. Of course, that wasn’t the only issue that happened, but on December 2019, Maki was arrested for semi-coerced indecent acts. Arguably putting the company to lose all control of operating and still being saddled with a megalith of insane debt for the studio.

Finally, the final nail in the coffin. Gainax was forced to revamp the entire studio by February 2020. Although, the company began to review the document to fully understand the situation with Khara. It was later discovered that the companies borrowed large amounts of borrowing from financial institutions and defaulted on debt to companies in the anime industry. They also transferred and sold intellectual property and production materials to other companies and individuals without the permission of the original rights holders. The news discovered by individuals of Gainax must have been absolutely devasating for them…

Although Gainax’s management stated that it worked with Khara and other multiple companies to confirm the rights of the work, property manage, and intellectual properties, the studio was unable to resolve the debt crisis. The studio found itself in worse situations where it was unable to pay off the debt, and the studio found itself sued by a debt collector in May. Because of all the mess and chaos that Gainax kept suffering from over and over again, the studio came to a conclusion that it could no longer operate itself as a business, and filed for bankruptcy. The company also stated that it has no affliation with any of the other Gainax studios such as Fukushina Gaina, Gaina Studio, Gainax Kyoto, Gainax International, Gainax Nigita, and Gainax West.

The legacy of Gainax now rests in the hands of Khara as the studio has now acquired the Gainax trademark and will serve as the manager of the trademark. Gainax will soon provide more information in regard to the future use of their works it has managed after the bankruptcy procedure concludes.

To my fellow otakus, there you have it! This is how, according to the statements by Gainax, is how this once legendary studio fell into an oblivion of debt nightmare, financial mistakes, failure after failure, unable to produce new anime. The loss of many individuals who managed Gainax, and scandals that worsened the situation. All of this lead to the demise of Gainax, and now, although the studio is now officially bankruptcy and headed for its end, it will now officially live on the legacy with its company management, Khara, aka… The studio, that, ironically, was established by the man that, arguably, made Gainax the studio it’s famously known for… The man himself… Hideaki Anno…

Dear Gainax, as a fellow otaku who has watched many of your anime made by you, and how loves almost all of them. And even has one anime from you in my top 10 favorite anime of all time, which is Gurren Lagann. I also have other favorites such as Neon Genesis Evangelion, FLCL, Gunbuster, Diebuster, and plenty of more. I want to say that, I, and I speak for all otakus, will never forget the greatness and epicness of the animes that you have produced. Although the studio has had its fair share of low moments due to scandals and other sorts of bad things, it doesn’t take away the fact that Gainax itself has been responsible for producing anime that changed. It reshapes the landscape of the medium of anime itself. They reinvented the mecha genre to the next level, set the foundation for anime’s of the future thanks to Neon Geneis Evangelion, revolutionized and reinvented the otaku culture that we know as of today. They also bought in anime greatness that still stand out to this day. Even though that was long ago, and the studio found itself in debt madness, I, and all of us will remember studio Gainax for who they were, and all the amazingness that they produced. In fact, to this day, Gainax is still one of my favorite anime studios of all time.

Not gone in the sense of the trademark, and the IP’s, but you will always be remembered.

Gainax: 1984-2024

Sources: Anime News Network, IGN, Automaton