My Video Game Console Collection

Of all pictures that I have taken, this one is unfortunately the least best. The quality is not so good, and everything just feels off. Regardless, these are my consoles, and it saddens me to see how my collection has shrunk so much over the years, due to life span and economic issues. Nether the less, it makes me happy seeing my collection, and even more so that some of these consoles I own, I have had them for years, especially the Sony PlayStation and Wii. Also, please excuse the Wii’s extreme light, it loves to be light and shiny. Don’t mind the dust, either, despite the fact that I just dusted off everything only a few days ago. Consoles and dust goes together like water and oil, lol. Hopefully, I can collect some more consoles soon in the future.

2021 Old Photos of RX-78 HGUC and EX SD Exia

Flashback to my 2019-2021 newbie years of making Gunpla. This is my RX-78 HG model that I did back in the summer of 2021. It brings me back LOTS of memories.

Flashback to my first ever SD EX Gunpla that I did. It was the Exia SD EX standard. I did a LOT of mistakes with it, but I cherish it because it was my first one.

My Bakuman Manga Box Set Unboxing After 7 Years of Begging For It

Finally, at long last! After 7 years of trying to get my hands on the Bakuman box set, I can safely say that I finally have it. I am so happy, and I am over the moon! I can safely say that this manga is going to top my list of 1, or should I say *number 0, to be considered the best of the best. Furthermore, I can’t wait to read all of it. Thank you, almighty God, and let’s go!

My Toys & Games Collection

Here are some of my toys & games collection. Now, I’m going to be completely honest here, this photo is probably my least favorite that I have taken, mainly due to how off and poorly designed it feels. Regardless, having my Yu-Gi-Oh collection for more than a decade while renewing my Pokémon collection and starting an MTG collection feels great. Also, those boxes behind my cards are my Bakugan collection. I can’t wait to collect some more soon.